ELECTRO-BIOLOGY, INC. Healing with Electromagnetic Signals
We visualize how to most effectively tell the story of how your services or products benefit the customer and the investor
We assemble the right team for every project. Two photographers and two illustrators contributed to the success of this report, which graphically demonstrates how EBI Bone Healing Systems work to heal nonunion fractures and improve the lives of patients in all walks of life. This series of studio photographs of models was ovelayed with still-lives of the product and drawings of the fracture or condition to helo both physicians and investors understand the product and the process.The trajectory of a prescription for a nonunion fracture. In another report, hotography by Gabe Palmer traces the journey from a Friday doctor’s appointment in New Jersey to the EBI offices and manufacturing facility in Guaynabo, PR, to beginning to heal the patient three days later.EBI is now a division of Biomet Corporation.