Templates and Assets
Leason Ellis, the leading IP law firm in Westchester County, New York, came to us with two beloved visual identifiers: a tree with a hole on the right side from which an apple has dropped to the ground, and a “monster” illustration by Stefan G. Bucher. The first order of business was to replace and strengthen the dated typography with a bold, contemporary typographic logotype. We also softened the green and remodeled the apple, giving it a more recognizable shape.

We also recommended commissioning original artwork, as befits an intellectual property firm that celebrates and protects authors, artists, brands, inventors and inventions. This capabilities brochure storyboard — using stock photos and tearsheets as examples — envisions commissioning top illustrators to depict, for example, Newton’s moment of discovery; the office in the transportation nexus of White Plains, NY, 30 minutes from Grand Central Terminal; and the monster as a symbol of aggressive protection of client interests.

A color scheme and typographic style sheets were established in Adobe CC Libraries, keeping our custom colors of Leason Ellis Green, Red, and Gray consistent from application to application, print to web.